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Maths Query > Unit > Arithmetic > Number System

Arithmetic Operations on Fractions

Found in topics: Fractions


As in previous chapter, discussed about what is fraction and what are the types of fractions. Now in this chapter, here is topic operations on fractions. All basic operations can be done on fractions i.e addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. In this chapter, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions will be discussed.

Addition of fractions

1. Addition of like fractions

In addition of fractions of like fractions, only numerators are added and keep the value of denominator as it is.


Example 1: Add 5 8 and 6 8
As the denominator is 8 and add numerator of both fractions only
= 5 8 + 6 8
= 5 + 6 8 = 11 8

Example 2: Add 1 4 , 2 4 and 6 4
Here, as denominator is 4 for all fractions, so add numerators of all fractions only.
= 1 4 + 2 4 + 6 4
= 1 + 2 + 6 4 = 9 4

2. Addition of unlike fractions

To add unlike fractions, convert unlike fractions into like fractions by taking LCM of their denominators.


Example 1: Add 3 4 and 5 6
Step 1: Take LCM of denominators of fractions. 3 4 and 5 6 . LCM of 4, 6
Step 2: Multiply both fractions by numbers to make their denominators same equal to LCM 12.
3 4 × 3 3 = 9 12
5 6 × 2 2 = 10 12
Step 3: Add the like fractions 9 12 and 10 12 .
= 9 12 + 10 12
= 9 + 10 12 = 19 12
= 9 + 10 12 = 19 12
3 4 + 5 6 = 19 12

Example 2: Add 2 3 , 4 6 and 1 4
Step 1: Take LCM of denominators of fractions 2 3 , 4 6 and 1 4 LCM of 3, 6, 4
Step 2: Multiply all fractions by numbers to make their denominators same equal to LCM 12.
2 3 × 4 4 = 8 12
4 6 × 2 2 = 8 12
1 4 × 3 3 = 3 12
Step 3: Add the like fractions 8 12 , 8 12 and 3 12
= 8 12 + 8 12 + 3 12
= 8 + 8 + 3 12 = 19 12
2 3 + 4 6 + 1 4 = 19 12

Subtraction of fractions

1. Subtraction of like fractions

In subtraction of like fractions, only numerators are subtracted and keep the value of denominator as it is.


Example 1: Subtract 8 9 from 10 9
As these are like fractions and denominator is 9 for both fractions.
So, subtract numerator of both fractions only.
= 10 9 8 9
= 10 – 8 9 = 2 9

Example 2: Subtract 11 12 from 15 12
Here, the two fractions are like fractions and their denominator is 12.
So, subtract numerators of both fractions only.
= 15 12 11 12
= 15 – 11 12 = 4 12 = 1 3

2. Subtraction of unlike fractions

To subtract the unlike fractions, convert unlike fractions into like fractions by taking LCM of their denominators.


Subtract 6 4 from 8 3
Step 1: Take LCM of denominators of fractions.
LCM of 4, 3
LCM of 4 and 3 is 12
Step 2: Convert unlike fractions into like fractions by multiplying a number which makes denominator equal to LCM 12.
8 3 × 4 4 = 32 12
6 4 × 3 3 = 18 12
Step 3: Subtract 18 12 from 32 12
= 32 12 18 12
= 32 – 18 12 = 14 12 = 7 6
8 3 6 4 = 14 12

Multiplication of fractions

1. Multiplication of fraction with whole number

To multiply a fraction with whole number, multiply only numerator by the given whole number and keep the denominator same. Then reduce it to its the lowest term.


Example 1: 7 5 × 2
Here, 7 5 is a fraction and 2 is a whole number.
2 is written as 2 1
= 7 5 × 2 1
= 7 × 2 5 × 1 = 14 5

Example 2: 6 5 × 4
= 6 5 × 4 1
= 6 × 4 4 × 1 = 24 5

2. Multiply a fraction by another fraction

To multiply a fraction by another fraction, multiply their corresponding numerators and denominators. Then reduce the obtained fraction into its the lowest form.


Example 1: Multiply fraction 7 5 by 3 4
Here, multiply numerators 7 and 3. Also, multiply their denominators 5 and 4.
7 5 × 3 4
= 7 × 3 5 × 4 = 21 20

Example 2: Multiply fractions 2 5 , 4 6 and 3 2
2 5 × 4 6 × 3 2
multiply numerators 2, 4 and 3 and also multiply denominators 5, 6 and 2.
= 2 × 4 × 3 5 × 6 × 2 = 24 60
Now 24 60 should be reduced to its the lowest term by dividing with the common factor 12.
24 60 = 2 5

Division of fractions

To divide a fraction with another fraction, first the division is changed into multiplication by changing the division sign into multiplication and taking reciprocal of the second fraction.
Let’s learn it by following examples.


Example 1: Divide 2 3 by 5 7
= 2 3 ÷ 5 7
= 2 3 × 7 5
= 2 × 7 3 × 5 = 14 15

Example 2: Divide fraction 4 5 by whole number 6
= 4 5 ÷ 6 1
= 4 5 × 1 6
= 4 × 1 5 × 6 = 4 30
4 30 . should be reduced into its the lowest term by dividing with common factor 2
= 2 15

Example 3: Divide 5 by 6 7
= 5 ÷ 6 7
= 5 × 7 1 × 6
= 35 6

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How to add fractions in maths?

Step I: Add the numerator of fractions.
Step II: Keep the value of common denominator as it is.
Step III: Value of fraction = Sum of all numerators Value of common denominator

2) How to add unlike fractions in maths?

Step I: Convert the unlike fractions into like fractions by taking LCM of all denominators.
Step II: Add the numerator of each equivalent fraction.
Step III: Value of fraction = Sum of numerators Denominator of equivalent fractions

3) How to subtract like fractions in maths?

Step I: Subtract the numerator of each fraction.
Step II: Keep the value of common denominator as it is.
Step III: Value of fraction = Difference of all numerators Value of common denominator

4) How to subtract unlike fractions in maths?

Step I: Convert the unlike fractions into like fractions by taking LCM of all denominators. Step II: Subtract the numerator of each equivalent fraction.
Step III: Value of fraction = Difference of all numerators Denominator of equivalent fractions

Solved Examples

1) Add 1 4 , 7 4 and 11 4 .

As the denominator of of all fractions is same, then add only numerators of all fractions. 1 + 7 + 11 4 = 19 4

2) Add 3 4 , 5 3 and 9 2 .

Here, denominators of all fractions are different.
So, first take LCM of all denominators.
LCM of 4, 3, 2
LCM of 4, 3 and 2 is 12.
3 4 × 3 3 = 9 12
5 3 × 4 4 = 20 12
9 2 × 6 6 = 54 12
= 9 12 + 20 12 + 54 12
= 9 + 20 + 54 12
= 83 12

3) Simplify the fraction 5 3 + 3 4 - 3 2

Take LCM of all denominators 3, 4, and 2.
LCM of 3, 4, 2
LCM = 12
5 3 × 4 4 = 20 12
3 4 × 3 3 = 9 12
3 2 × 6 6 = 18 12
= 20 12 + 9 12 - 18 12
= 20 + 9 - 18 12
= 29 - 18 12
= 11 12

4) 3 2 - 2 1 3 - 2 1 5

= 3 2 - 7 3 - 11 5
Take LCM of all denominators 2, 3, and 5.
LCM of 2, 3, 5
LCM = 30
3 2 × 15 15 = 45 30
7 3 × 10 10 = 70 30
11 5 × 6 6 = 66 30
= 45 30 - 70 30 - 66 30
= 45 - 70 - 66 30
= 45 - 136 30
= - 91 30

5) Solve the following
a) 3 4 × 1 2
b) 2 1 5 × 2 1 7

3 4 × 1 2
= 3 4 × 1 2
= 3 8

2 1 5 × 2 1 7
= 11 5 × 15 7
= 11 1 × 3 7 = 33 7
= 4 5 7

6) Solve
a) 3 7 ÷ 7 3
b) 1 2 3 ÷ 3 1 2

3 7 ÷ 7 3
= 3 7 × 3 7
= 9 49

1 2 3 ÷ 3 1 2
= 5 3 ÷ 7 2
= 5 3 × 2 7
= 10 21

Worksheet 1


Fill in the blanks.

1) 5 8 + 6 8 = ___________

2) 3 4 - 2 4 = ___________

3) 7 4 - 3 4 = ___________

4) 4 8 × 1 4 = ___________

5) 9 2 + 1 2 = ___________

6) 6 5 × 30 6 = ___________

7) 9 3 × 1 = ___________

8) 4 3 ÷ 1 = ___________

9) 21 4 ÷ 3 4 = ___________

10) 6 8 + 7 8 - 1 8 = ___________

Help iconHelp box
3 2
1 4
4 3
11 8
1 8

Worksheet 2


Multiple choice questions

1) Choose the correct option for the sum of 4 3 and 1 3 is

a) 5 3

b) 6 3

c) 7 3

d) 4 3

2) Sum of 9 5 and 0 is

a) 0

b) 9 5

c) 14 5

d) 45 5

3) 17 3 × 0 is

a) 1 3

b) 7 3

c) 17 3

d) 0

4) The value of 5 2 ÷ 2 is

a) 5 4

b) 5

c) 2

d) 4 5

5) 7 4 - 3 4 gives

a) 1

b) 3 4

c) 7 4

d) 7

6) 5 7 ÷ 25 49 is

a) 5 7

b) 25 49

c) 2

d) 7 5

7) The reciprocal of 6 5 is

a) 6 5

b) 5 6

c) 5

d) 6

8) A man covered 3 8 m on bicycle and 3 4 m by car. The total distance covered by man is

a) 7 8 m

b) 36 12 m

c) 9 8 m

d) 6 12 m

9) 0 1 × 3 4 gives

a) 3 4

b) 4 3

c) 1

d) 0

10) 1 5 ÷ 1 5 gives

a) 1

b) 5

c) 1 5

d) 1 25

MCQ Answer Key Hide Show
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. a
Last updated on: 27-07-2024