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Maths Query > Topic > Numbers


Read chapters in Numbers topic

Digit, Face, Place Values and Comparison of Numbers
What is digit, face, place, local and true values of number? How to compare two numbers & place value with repeating digits? Practice with examples & questions.
Divisibility Rules of Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
What are Divisibility rules? Test of divisibility of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Questions, worksheets & solved examples to practice for exams preparation.
Decimal Numbers, Converting Decimals to Fractions
What is decimal number, whole & fractional parts? How to convert decimals into fractions & vice versa. Learn expanding form by examples. Download worksheets.
Magical Multiplication Pattern of 3367
Know different multiplication pattern of 3367 with 33, 66, 99, 132 and so on. Know the concept with simple and easy examples.
Magical Multiplication Pattern of 9
Know different multiplication pattern of 9 with 6 and 9 with 111, 222 and so on. Know the concept with simple and easy examples.
Magical Multiplication Pattern of 11
Know different multiplication pattern of 11 with 1 and 2 and so on. Know the concept with simple and easy examples.
Number Patterns of Pascal's Triangle
What is Pascal's Triangle? The interesting number patterns formed on rows and diagonals of Pascal's Triangle. Learn in simple and easy way with diagrams.
Prime, Composite Numbers and Their Arrangements
Prime, composite, coprimes, twin primes and prime triplets numbers? How to arrange prime & composite numbers with dots representation? Practice with worksheets.
Rational Numbers with Number Line Representation
Learn rational number with examples. How to represent a rational number on a number line? Know the concept with simple and easy examples, FAQs and MCQs.
Types of Number Natural, Whole, Integer, Real Rational
Learn all types of numbers natural, whole, integer, rational, irrational, real, cardinal, ordinal numbers with examples and solve worksheets.
Unit, Number, Numeral and Number System
What is unit, number, numeral? What are Roman and Hindu Arabic Number Systems? Know the concept with simple and easy examples. Practice with worksheets.