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To start with what are rational numbers and how do we write them, there is a brief introduction about them in the chapter Types of Number with Examples.
We will discuss more about them here and learn if we can represent them on the number line and how.

What is rational number?

A number which can be written in the form of pq, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.


12, 67, 910, 310 etc.


Even 0 is also a rational number as 0 can be written as 0 = 01

How to represent rational number on number line.

Rational numbers can be written on the same number line as usual numbers.
The following steps will help in representing a rational number on the number line.

Step 1
Draw a number line with positive numbers on the right hand side and negative number on the left hand side of 0.
Step 2
Divide distance between 0 and 1 into n equal points.
Mark the points as 1n, 2n, 3n, 4/mn>n etc.

Let’s learn the above steps with an example.


Example 1: Represent 37 on number line.
Step 1
Draw a number line with positive numbers on the right hand side and negative number on the left hand side of 0. Example 1. Number line.
Step 2
Here, n = 7.
So, divide distance between 0 and 1 into 7 equal points.
Length of each part between two adjacent points is 17.
Now, start from 0 and mark the point 37 on the number line. Example 1. Rational numbers on the number line.
So, OA = 37

Example 2: Represent 74 on number line when value of denominator is less than value of numerator.
Step 1
Draw a number line with positive numbers on the right hand side and negative number on the left hand side of 0. Example 2. Number line
Step 2
Here, n = 4.
So, divide distance between 0 and 1 into 4 equal points and do the same from 1 to 2, i.e. divide them into 4 equal parts.
Length of each part between two adjacent points is 14.
Mark the point 74 on the number line. Example 2. Rational numbers on the number line.
So, OA represents 74

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What is ratio?

When two quantities of same kind and same unit of measurement are divided then the value we get is called ratio. Ratio is represented by symbol :. Ratio of two quantities a and b is written as a:b and read as a ratio b, where a and b are called as terms.

Q) What is antecedent in ratio?

Antecedent is the first term of a ratio. For example a is the antecedent in ratio a:b.

Q) What is consequent in ratio?

Consequent is the second term of a ratio. For example b is the consequent in ratio a:b.

Q) What is proportion?

Proportion means that the ratios are equal. Proportion is represented by symbol ::. If two ratio a:b and c:d are equal, i.e. a ÷ b = c ÷ d then we can say a,b,c and d are in proportion.

Solved Examples

1) Find the ratio of 35 minutes to 3 hours.

1 hour = 60 min

3 hrs = 3 x 60

= 180 mins

Ratio of 35 minutes to 180 mins = 35180

= 736

2) The number of girls and boys in a school are 300 and 450 respectively. Express the ratio of boys to girls.

Number of boys = 450

Number of girls = 300

Ratio of boys to girls = 450300

= 32

3) There are 100 workers in a factory. Out of 100 workers, 60 are male workers. Find the ratio of male workers to female workers.

Total number of workers = 100

Number of male workers = 60

Number of female workers = 100 - 60 = 40

Ratio of male workers to female workers = 6040

= 64

= 32

4) Does ratio 3:6 and 5:10 form a proportion?

3 : 6 = 36 = 12

5 : 10 = 510 = 12

36 = 510

Hence, 3:6 and 5:10 are in proportion.

5) The ratio of length and width of a sheet is 3:4. Find the width of sheet if its length is 15 cm.

Let width of sheet = x cm

∴ Ratio of length to width = 15:x

Also, ratio of length to width = 3:4 (given)

3:4 = 15:x

3 X x = 4 X 15

3x = 60

x = 603

x = 20 cm

Multiple Choice Questions

1) A ratio equivalent to 3:4 is

a) 15:20

b) 15:4

c) 4:3

d) 12:20

2) Length and width of a playground are in ratio 4:3. If width is 24 cm, its length will be

a) 24 cm

b) 32 cm

c) 4 cm

d) 3 cm

3) If the first, third and fourth terms of a proportion are 8, 14 and 21 respectively. Then the second term will be

a) 8

b) 14

c) 12

d) 21

4) Mean proportional between 4 and 16 is

a) 16

b) 32

c) 8

d) 64