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Rational Numbers with Number Line Representation

Found in topics: Numbers
Maths Query > Unit > Arithmetic > Number System

What is rational number?

A number which can be written in the form of pq, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.

Example of rational numbers

12 , 67 , 910 and 310

Even 0 is also a rational number because 0 can be written as 0 = 0 1

Rational numbers are also written in terminating decimal or non terminating repeating decimal forms.

Example of rational numbers with terminating decimals

3.45 = 345100

0.2 = 15

11.575 = 115751000

Example of rational numbers with non terminating and repeating decimals

19 = 0.11111……

13 = 0.33333……

23 = 0.66666……

Rational numbers can be positive and negative also.

1. Positive rational numbers

When both numerator and denominator of a rational number are positive integers, it is called positive rational number.

Example of positive rational numbers

37 , 45 and 68

2. Negative rational numbers

When the numerator is a negative integer and denominator is a positive integer, it is called a negative rational number.

Example of negative rational numbers

– 57 , – 43 and – 12

0 is neither a positive nor negative rational number.

Standard form of rational number

A rational number is said to be in its standard form if its numerator and denominator do not have any common factors other than 1 and its denominator must be a positive integer.

How to convert to standard form

If a rational number is not in the standard form then it can be converted into its standard form by taking HCF of its numerator and denominator. The numerator and denominator are divided by HCF together. The rational number obtained after the division will be its standard form.

Example of standard form of rational number

Convert 1220 into its standard form
HCF of numerator 12 and denominator 20 is 4
Divide both 12 and 20 by 4
12 ÷ 420 ÷ 4 = 35

Convert 14– 18 into its standard form
HCF of numerator 14 and denominator 18 is 2
Divide both 14 and – 18 by – 2
14 ÷ – 2– 18 ÷ – 2 = – 79

What is equivalent rational number?

When numerator and denominator of any rational number is multiplied by any non zero number, the resulting rational number is equivalent to the original rational number.

Example of equivalent rational number

46 is equivalent to 23
because, 23 × 22 = 46

Comparison of rational numbers

Like integers, the two rational numbers can also be compared to find out which is the largest or the smallest rational number. But the method to find out the largest or the smallest depends upon the sign of the rational number.

Rational numbers wih opposite sign

When two rational numbers are of opposite sign then they are compared same like integers. Positive integers are always greater than the negative integers, the same rule applies for rational numbers of opposite sign also. So, positive rational numbers are always greater than negative rational numbers also.

Example of comparing rational numbers with opposite sign

Which is greater 23 or – 45?
Since, both rational numbers have opposite signs, so the positive rational will be grater than the negative rational number
23 > – 45

Rational numbers wih same sign

Two rational numbers are of same sign means both can be of negative signs or positive signs. To compare such numbers fist find the LCM of denominators of both numbers. Then multiply the both rational numbers with a number so that the values of the denominators become equal to the LCM. Now the numerators of both given numbers can be compared because same they have same denominators. The rational number with the greater numerator will also be greater than the other rational number.

Examples of comparing rational numbers with same sign

Which is greater 27 or 45?
Since, both rational numbers have same signs, so find the LCM of denominators 7 and 5, which will be 35
Now, multiply 27 and 45 with the number so that denominators of both become equal to LCM 35.
23 × 55 = 1035
45 × 77 = 2835
Compare the numerators 28 and 35
28 > 10
2835 > 1035
or 45 > 27

Which is smaller – 34 or – 59?
Both rational numbers have same signs, so find the LCM of denominators 4 and 9, which will be 36
Now, multiply – 34 and – 59 with the number so that denominators of both become equal to LCM 36.
– 34 × 99 = – 2736
– 59 × 44 = – 2036
Compare the numerators – 27 and – 20
– 27 < – 20
– 2736 < – 2036
or – 34 < – 59

Represent rational number on number line

Rational numbers can be represented on the number line same like integers.
The following steps are taken to represent them on the number line.

Step 1
Draw a number line with positive numbers on the right hand side and negative number on the left hand side of 0.
Step 2
Divide 0 and 1 on the number line into n equal points, where n is the value of the denominator and write the points as
1n , 2n , 3n , 4n etc.
Mark the point on the number line which matches to the given rational number.

Examples to represent rational number on number line

Represent 37 on number line.
Step 1
Draw a number line with positive and negative numbers on the right and left hand sides of 0 respectively. Example 1. Number line.
Step 2
Here, denominator is 7, ∴ n = 7.
So, divide 0 and 1 on the number line into 7 equal points and mark each point as
07 , 17 , 27 , 37 , 47 , 57 , 67 and 77
Length of each part between two adjacent points is 17.
Now, start from 0 and mark the point 37 on the number line with A. Example 1. Rational numbers on the number line.
So, 37 is represented on the number line with point A

Represent 74 on number line.
Step 1
Draw the number line. Example 2. Number line
Step 2
Here, denominator is 4, so n = 4.
Divide 0 and 1 into 4 equal points
Because the value of denominator is less than value of numerator, so do the same from 1 to 2, i.e. divide them into 4 equal parts also.
Length of each part between two adjacent points is 14.
Mark the point 74 on the number line with A. Example 2. Rational numbers on the number line.
So, 74 is represented on the number line with point A.

Worksheet 1

Download PDF 1

Put >, < or = in the boxes.

2)125- 125
3)- 113103
5)- 43- 53
6)- 12- 13
7)- 12- 918
8)- 45- 43

Worksheet 2

Download PDF 2

Match the following.

Rational numberEquivalent rational number
2)- 67b)- 3528
3)13c)- 7284
4)- 54d)91104

Worksheet 3

Download PDF 3

Arrange the following rational numbers into ascending order.

  1. 13 , 23 , - 13 , - 43
  2. 25 , 105 , - 115 , - 95
  3. 76 , - 86 , 46 , - 106
  4. - 12 , 12 , - 52 , - 92
  5. 87 , - 87 , - 37 , 37

Worksheet 4

Download PDF 4

Arrange the following rational numbers into descending order.

  1. 24 , 14 , - 14 , - 74
  2. 87 , - 47 , - 87 , - 97
  3. 1311 , - 1411 , 711 , 911
  4. 89 , - 119 , - 19 , 79
  5. 43 , 03 , - 13 , - 113

Worksheet 5

Download PDF 5

Draw a number line and represent the following rational numbers on the number line.

  1. 54
  2. 45
  3. 32
  4. 27
  5. 23
Last updated on: 01-03-2025

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