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Maths Query > USA > Grade 3 > The Ultimate Grade 3 Math Workbook by IXL

Book icon The Ultimate Grade 3 Math Workbook by IXL

AuthorsIXL Learning
PublisherIXL Learning, Inc
EditionWorkbook edition
ISBN 101947569503
ISBN 13978-1947569508
The Ultimate Grade 3 Math Workbook by IXL
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Authors biography

IXL Learning is a trusted leader in education. IXL's print workbooks make learning fun and help students master key concepts through engaging activities, instructional guidance, and colorful visuals. IXL Learning is also the creator of, the personalized learning platform used by more than 14 million students. Available on the web and on mobile apps, the IXL platform offers interactive questions, instant feedback, personalized recommendations, and more.

Last updated on: Last updated on: 01-09-2024