Authors | IXL Learning |
Publisher | IXL Learning, Inc |
Published | 2019 |
Edition | Workbook edition |
Language | English |
Pages | 224 |
ISBN 10 | 1947569457 |
ISBN 13 | 978-1947569454 |
Your student will be mastering essential math and arithmetic skills including place value, expanded form, comparing and ordering numbers, rounding numbers, factors and multiples, prime and composite numbers, number patterns, estimation, problem solving, and word problems.
This is one of the best math books for 5th graders, as it extensively covers multiplication and long division. Specific topics include multiplying and dividing multiples of 10, modeling multiplication and division, estimating quotients, multi-digit multiplication and division, division with remainders, and divisibility.
Fifth graders will learn about modeling fractions and decimals, identifying equivalent fractions, comparing fractions and decimals, ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and decimals, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, converting between percents and decimals, adding and subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping, multiplying and dividing fractions, mixed fraction operations, and understanding and comparing equivalent fractions and decimals.
Additional subjects include measurement and geometry. For measurement, students will practice using and converting units of time and calculating elapsed time. Students will also work with customary units of length, volume, and weight, as well as metric units of length, capacity, and mass. Geometry topics include area and perimeter, area of compound figures, angles, classifying triangles, parallel and perpendicular lines, classifying polygons and quadrilaterals, classifying three-dimensional figures including pyramids and prisms, and identifying and plotting points on the coordinate plane.
IXL Learning is a trusted leader in education. IXL's print workbooks make learning fun and help students master key concepts through engaging activities, instructional guidance, and colorful visuals. IXL Learning is also the creator of, the personalized learning platform used by more than 14 million students. Available on the web and on mobile apps, the IXL platform offers interactive questions, instant feedback, personalized recommendations, and more.