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Maths Query > Unit > Arithmetic > Number Pattern

Magical Multiplication Pattern of 9

Found in topics: Numbers

Multiplication of 9 with 6s

When 9 is multiplied by 6, it gives an interesting number 54 which is in a special pattern of numbers having only repeated 9s having 5 at the leftmost and 4 at the right most of 9s.
Let’s have a look how this pattern works out.

9 × 6= 54
9 × 66 = 594
9 × 666 = 5994
9 × 6666 = 59994
9 × 66666 = 599994
9 × 666666 = 5999994
9 × 6666666 = 59999994
9 × 66666666 = 599999994
9 × 666666666 = 5999999994

Multiplication of 9 with with 111, 222 and so on

Multiplying 9 with 111, 222, 333, 444 and so on gives a very interesting pattern which is equal to 4 digits number with first digit is in series of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and the last digit is in series of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The second and third digits are always 9.
9 × 111 = 999
9 × 222 = 1998
9 × 333 = 2997
9 × 444 = 3996
9 × 555 = 4995
9 × 666 = 5994
9 × 777 = 6993
9 × 888 = 7992
9 × 999 = 8991

Last updated on: 30-06-2024