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Sir Cumference and Fracton Faire

AuthorsCindy Neuschwander, Wayne Geehan
ISBN 101570917728
ISBN 13978-1570917721

About book

Join Sir Cumference and the gang for more wordplay, puns, and problem solving in the clever math adventure that introduces readers to the concept of fractons.

Sir Cumference and Lady Di discover "Fracton numbers" while purchasing cloth and cheese at the Fracton Faire. While two-fourths may seem like the same as one-half, in truth it denotes two parts of one-half, or two quarters of the whole. But the real mystery is the fact that items at the fair keep disappearing, and Sir C, Lady Di, and the Earl of Fracton must set a numeric trap for the thief, teaching an important lesson along the way about the comparative size of fractions.

Authors biography

Cindy Neuschwander is a retired elementary school teacher who was inspired to write the Sir Cumference series while visiting medieval castles in England. She now works at California Polytechnic State University. She lives in San Luis Obispo, California. Wayne Geehan is the illustrator of Multiplying Menace, Cut Down to Size at High Noon, and the Sir Cumference series. He lives in Acton, Massachusetts.

Last updated on: Last updated on: 22-09-2024

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