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Maths Query > USA > Children's > Greedy Triangle

Book icon Greedy Triangle

About book

Kids will get their early math skills in shape with this bestselling picture book--now available in Scholastic Bookshelf!
Bored and dissatisfied with his life, a triangle visits a local shapeshifter to add another angle to his shape. Poof! He becomes a quadrilateral. But then he gets greedy and keeps adding angles until he's completely transformed. Kids will enjoy this boldly colorful introduction to shapes and basic math concepts.

AuthorsMarilyn Burns
ISBN 100545042208
ISBN 13978-0545042208
Greedy Triangle
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Authors biography

Author and math teacher Marilyn Burns is noted for her many books that instill an interest and enthusiasm for mathematics into her school-age readers. Her books use traditional and original literature to address mathematical concepts. In addition to her instructive children's books Marilyn is the author of many books for teachers. She has also written books for children about food, time, and Hanukkah. She says that her writing career began as a "fluke" when a friend asked her to write a book about math. This was the jumping off point for her literary career, during which she has written about a dozen books for children and the same number for teachers. She currently gives lectures and lessons in schools. Burns was born in 1941 and resides in Sausalito, CA.

Last updated on: Last updated on: 01-09-2024