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Useful List of Arithmetic Symbols

Symbols used in Arithmetic

NameSymbolExampleRead as
Plus+8 + 48 plus 4
Minus8 – 48 minus 4
Divide÷8 ÷ 48 divided by 4
Multiply×8 × 48 multiplied by 4
Percentage%25 % 10025 percent of 100
Greater than>8 > 48 is greater than 4
Less than<4 < 84 is less than 8
Greater than equal toa ≥ ba is greater than or equal to b
Less than equal tob ≤ ab is less than or equal to a
equal to=6 = 66 is equal to 6
does not equal to8 ≠ 48 does not equal to 4
Approximately equal to8.786 ≈ 8.798.786 is approximately equal to 8.79
Plus minus±± 2Plus minus 2
Equivalenta ≡ ba is equivalent to b

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Last updated on: 06-03-2025

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